The beginner's observations II
It is beautiful to have two deerhounds for friends. Everybody who has two or more
such individuals can talk about walks full of games and chasing. Being a proud owner
of two grey ladies, I also wished to have such experiences. When Jany was half year old,
she started to deny obedience to Candy and they ran around from time to time. I was always
fund of it, but more experienced dog owners talked about something different. I was a bit
suspicious, that they were exaggerating. Candy started to be unbelievably lazy in June
(after her period). It was not like a relaxed dog, who likes to lay and have a rest after
some sport. Candy was lazy to come even for a pet. To make her run was utterly difficult.
She only get moving in the moment, when she felt I could get lost from her sight. So I have
to run over whole meadow, while Candy was held on the other side. But even then it was not
the beauty and strength of deerhound run, it was rather quick move to come over to reach her
mistress, who was coughing her lungs behind a bush.
.. Jany was growing in the meantime,
still the cheeky individual, who occupies everything and everybody.
Well, and then there was a walk one day - Candy did not lag behind this time,
she started after Jany, she started escape and
. I remembered the talks of the more
experienced and I believed them, that they had not been exaggerating. The girls rotated
around the meadow, jumped, showed teeth, stud on their back legs and demonstrated their wits.
Some time after they followed me, tongues out of their mouths, heavily breathing. Jany watches
Candy, what she does, what she smells, where she stops and she strives to find out, what is
interesting there, immediately. In the same time they are followed by Chicco, who runs with
them and keeps an eye on them while they play. We look after him, so that girls do not step
on him as they fight.
I think Candy does not count Jany for puppy, any more. Now they are two, Jany learned
to do a little grey hill (that means she does not play tricks, does not destroy things and lays
calm for a limited time - we appreciate these moments so far). Candy turns Jany away from here
bowl, checks that Jany's hole in earth is big enough. They chase each other and play everywhere,
on a meadow, at home in the garden, in a wood. It is very interesting to watch them at home in
the garden and in the wood. They make nice jumps, change direction, escape. On the other hand,
there is the strength and speed of their run on a meadow.
So I learned a beginners lesson from my girls - that nothing can be hasty,
everything has its time. They know, when the time will come and I wait for it